Define Supportability Analysis


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contains 23 Questions


1) Supportability Analysis is a wide range of analyses that should be conducted within the __________________ process. [Define Supportability Analysis]


systems engineering


cost estimating






2) Developing the Product Support Package is the first task in the Supportability Analysis process. [Recognize Elements of the Supportability Analysis Framework] [Remediation Accessed :N]






3) _________ is (are) the output of the supportability analysis studies that the Life Cycle Logistician will need to build an efficient and effective product support package. [Identify the role of the Life Cycle Logistician in Supportability Analysis] [Remediation Accessed :N]










4) The ___________________ is the analytical basis of the JCIDS process. It identifies capability needs and gaps and recommends non-materiel or materiel approaches to address the gaps. [Describe JCIDS and the Defense Acquisition System]


Capabilities-Based Assessment (CBA)


Business Case Analysis (BCA)


POM/Budget Formulation process


Affordability Assessment


5) ___________________ is a measure of the probability that the system will perform without failure over a specified interval. [Define Sustainment Metrics]


Materiel Reliability


Operational Availability


Materiel Availability


Mean Downtime


6) ___________________________ is the evaluation of the performance, operational effectiveness, operational suitability and estimated costs of alternative systems being considered to meet a mission capability. [Describe the Sources of Operational Support Requirements and their impact on Supportability Analysis]


Analysis of Alternatives (AoA)


Market Research


Maintenance Concept


Initial Capabilities Document


7) Which Acquisition phase reduces technology risk, determines and matures appropriate set of technologies to be integrated into a full system, and demonstrates critical technology elements on prototypes? [Describe the Relationship between Supportability Analysis and the Defense Acquisition Phases] [Remediation Accessed :N]


Technology Development


Engineering & Manufacturing Development


Production & Deployment


Operations & Support


8) The goal of _________________is to deliver a system with the requisite level of reliability necessary to efficiently and effectively meet its operational requirements. [Describe reliability analysis, modeling, allocation and prediction]


Reliability Analysis


Maintainability Analysis


a Business Case Analysis


Cost Analysis


9) Maintainability prediction is a useful tool for determining how and where a system will fail. [Describe maintainability analysis, modeling, allocation and prediction] [Remediation Accessed :N]






10) Which of the following is a way that reliable, maintainable, and available systems reduce life cycle cost? [Explain the relationship between R&M, availability and life cycle cost parameters]


All answers are correct.


Reliable and maintainable systems require less unscheduled/corrective maintenance.


Fewer maintenance actions require fewer spares to be stocked locally (and in the larger supply system) reducing procurement and carrying costs.


Fewer maintenance actions should translate into reduced maintainability factors, e.g., maintenance man-hours per operating hour, which may translate into fewer personnel to maintain the system (i.e., reduced manpower costs)


11) ______________________________is a methodical process that provides this identification of critical and non-critical failures. [Describe Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis]


Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)


Level of repair Analysis (LORA)


Maintenance Task Analysis (MTA)


Fault Tree analysis (FTA)


12) Which of the following is NOT part of the Fault Tree Analysis lexicon? [Describe Fault Tree Analysis] [Remediation Accessed :N]


Reliability Centered Maintenance


FTA symbology


Relating Reliability Block Diagrams to Fault Tree Diagrams


Mathematical Analysis (Boolean Algebra)


13) LORA increases equipment Quantity, equipment Availability, or program Capability [Describe Level of Repair Analysis]






14) CBM+ is all about determining the need for maintenance before operations are effected – and then being able to respond to that need quickly and effectively. [Describe CBM+]






15) ___________________ serves as a key component of the "Plus" portion of CBM+ by providing the ability to predict future health status of a system or component, as well as providing the ability to anticipate faults, problems, potential failures, and required maintenance actions. [Describe the two components of CBM+ (RCM and PHM)] [Remediation Accessed :N]


Prognostics and Health Management (PHM)


Reliability Centered Maintenance


Depot Level Maintenance


Intermediate Level Maintenance


16) A _____________________identifies detailed logistics and support resource requirements to sustain system readiness. [Describe MTA] [Remediation Accessed :N]


maintenance task analysis


business case analysis


budget analysis


manpower analysis


17) Maintenance Planning is the process conducted to translate the maintenance approach stated in the system operational requirement into maintenance task requirements that ensure the ongoing availability of the system. [Describe Maintenance Planning]






18) The Maintenance Plan reflects the composite results of all the activities related to ____________________________. [Describe the Maintenance Plan]


each of the integrated product support (IPS) elements


the JCIDS process


the Initial Capabilities Document


the Capabilities-Based Assessment


19) The specific format and content requirements for __________________ are necessary for unambiguous data transfer and interpretation. [Describe Logistics Product Data] [Remediation Accessed :N]


Data Element Attributes


JCIDS documents


capability needs


No answer is correct.


20) GEIA-STD-0007 re-establishes the industry/DoD exchange of LSAR data in a common format. [Describe GEIA-0007]






21) _______________________________ is a standard that specifies the information exchange requirements for most materiel management functions commonly performed in supporting international projects. [Describe S1000D, S2000M, S3000L, S4000M, SX0001]








CJCSI 3170.01G


22) The implementation of the Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009 directs that _________________________ before MS B is now a statutory requirement for Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs). [Describe the Design Review Process in Supportability Analysis]


Preliminary Design Review (PDR)


Operational Test Readiness Review (OTRR)


System Requirements Review (SRR)


Alternative Systems Review (ASR)


23) Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) shall be used to determine ______________________. [Describe the Test and Evaluation Process in Supportability Analysis]


All of the answers are correct.


Operational Effectiveness


Operational Suitability




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