Internet Web Sites

Due 19th Feb

Useful Internet Web sites can be found for BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures), NPL (National Physical Laboratory) (UK), NIST (National Institute for Standards & Technology – USA), CODATA (Committee on Data for Science and Technology - International Council of Scientific Unions), Institute of Physics, ISO (International Standards Organisation) – plus others!

  1. The force acting on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field is given by:

F =Il B

  1. Draw a sketch to illustrate a practical realisation of this expression.
  2. What SI base unit definitions does the definition of the tesla depend on?
  3. Show using Ampere’s law that the magnetic field at a distance d away from an infinitely long straight wire carrying a current I is given by



  1. Carry out a dimensional analysis to determine the SI base units of 0. Show your workings
  2. Explain, with suitable sketches, how the two equations given above were used to define the ampere prior to May 2019.
  3. What implications does your answer from part e) have on 0.
  4. Discuss the issues with the previous definition of the ampere (prior to May 2019) in terms of ideals for base units.
  5. How is the ampere currently defined? What are the implications of the SI redefinition on 0?
  6. Use the currently accepted value of 0 to determine the value of 0. Carry out a dimensional analysis to determine the SI base units of 0. Show your workings
  7. Outline how Ohms law is used to realise the current definition of ampere.
  8. What implications has the redefinition of the SI had on the values of 𝐾𝑗 and 𝑅𝑘
  1. Outline two methods for the practical realisation of the metre. What are some of the recommended standard frequencies used for the realisation of the metre? (You may need to check the bipm website for the second part)
  1. The term Black body has a special meaning in relation to thermal radiation. Define Blackbody in this context.
  1. Rayleigh and Jean’s formula for the intensity distribution for the radiation from a blackbody



                                                                                  𝐼(𝜆) = 𝜆4

                                 Explain the terms in this formula.  Explain ‘Ultraviolet catastrophe’ in relation to the formula. Carry out a dimensional analysis to determine the SI base units for I(λ). Show your workings

  1. Planck’s formula:

𝟐𝝅𝒉𝒄𝟐 𝑰(𝝀) = 𝝀𝟓(𝒆𝒉𝒄⁄𝝀𝒌𝑻 −𝟏)

          solved the ‘Ultraviolet catastrophe’ by introducing the constant h.

  1. a) What was Planck’s thinking behind the introduction of h and what was his basic proposal? b) What units must h have?
  2. c) Given the units for h determine the SI base units of I(λ) using this equation. Show your workings
  1. When UV radiation of wavelength 319nm falls on a metal surface photoelectrons with a stopping potential of 0.22V are produced. The metal surface is then illuminated with UV radiation of wavelength 238nm. Determine:
  1.   i)    The work function for the metal.
  2.                 ii)           The threshold frequency for the metal.

                 iii)           The stopping potential when the wavelength is 238nm.

  1. iv)    The maximum speed of photoelectrons for each case.

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