The Road to Revolution

The Road to Revolution


What happened?

Why did they do this?

What was the response
to this event?

Proclamation of 1763

King George III forbade the Colonists to move west of the Appalachian Mountains.

He didn’t want the Colonist to keep getting attacked by “Indians”.

The Colonist were angry because they thought that they fought the war for no reason.

Quartering Act


British soldiers were now allowed to live, enter, eat YOUR food in YOUR home, and give them a place to stay.

They wanted to keep an eye on British Colonists.

The response was death, no trust, and anger between the Red Coats and the Colonist.

Stamp Act


Colonists had to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used.

Britain was trying to make money because they were in debt from the French and Indian War.

Colonists were of course upset.

Townshend Act


Taxes on glass, lead, paints, paper and tea imported into the colonies.

“Townshend hoped the acts would defray imperial expenses in the colonies..”

Colonists thought that it was an abuse of power and Governor Francis Bernard of Massachusetts dissolved the legislature.

Boston Massacre


5 rock-throwing colonial rioters were killed by Red Coats.

A British Soldier was getting taunted at, cursed at and getting snow thrown at him.

Any residual trust between Bostonians and the resident Redcoats was officially dead.

Boston Tea Party


“...Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty boarded three ships in the Boston harbor and threw 342 chests of tea overboard.”

To protest the tea act.

King Geroge III closed off Bostons port, nothing could get in or out.

Intolerable Acts


●       Boston Port Bill closed the harbors until the money was made for the destroyed tea.

●        “Massachusetts Government Act abrogated the colony’s charter of 1691, reducing it to the level of a crown colony, substituting a military government under Gen. Thomas Gage, and forbidding town meetings without approval.”

●        “Administration of Justice Act, was aimed at protecting British officials charged with capital offenses during law enforcement by allowing them to go to England or another colony for trial.”

The Colonists was acting out and threw a fit- I MEAN TEA-

Other Colonists banded behind Boston and smuggled food to them. More people were thinking about separating from Britain.

Lexington & Concord


British troops were sent to Lexington and Concord to collect ammunition and find Samuel Adams and John Hancock. Paul Revere and other riders sounded the alarm, and colonial militiamen got together to fight the RedCoats and the RedCoats retreated.

All the acts that were being passed cause a lot of tension and the Colonist and RedCoats did not have good relationships.

A full scale war and THE INDEPENCE OF AMERICA!!!

Discussion Questions: From your charts, rank order the top three events that contributed the most to the growing divide between Britain and her colonies. Explain your ranking.


Explanation for Ranking


French and Indian War - 7 Year War -

The French and Indian War is ranked most influential towards the growing division between britain and its colonies because it was the very very beginning of the war. It was the reason why the colonies got taxed in the first place. It is like the seed to a soon upspring, bloody revolution.


Boston Massacre

The Boston Massacre is ranked 2nd most influential towards the growing division between britain and its colonies because it was used as a way to get more commoners to agree with the patriots. It was used to depict a very aggressive view onto the british troops, deeming them as savage animals.


Stamp Act

The stamp act is ranked 3rd most influential towards the growing division between britain and its colonies because it was the start to the colonies becoming enraged. They did not believe that they should pay taxes so they began protesting and revolting afterwards HOWEVER they don’t even know that this is just the beginning.

1. What changed the most over this 13-year period (1763-1776)?

2. The radical thinking of people changing, separation from England in 1763 was not even thought of, at least not by the vast majority.

3. What was the point of “no return” when the relationship between the colonists and British break?

4. At Lexington and Concord when peoples who considered themselves British fought each other and when all the soldiers came over it already seemed like the trust was gone.

5. What could the English government have done to prevent this?

6. They could have listen to the Colonist plees and came up with a treaty or find common ground.

7. What could the colonists have done differently?

8. They could have stopped acting like babies and accept that money has to come from somewhere.

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