The Strongest Bond Forms

Quiz 2

Part 1 of 7 - Chapter 2

27.0 Points

Question 1 of 31

3.0 Points

If an electron is shared between two elements, the strongest bond forms referred to as what?


A. van der Waals interaction


B. Ionic bond


C. Hydrogen bond


D. Covalent bond

Feedback:Great job.


Question 2 of 31

3.0 Points

An atom that does not contain equal numbers of protons and electrons is referred to as what?


A. Electron transfer


B. Carbon dating


C. Ion


D. Bond

Feedback:Great job.


Question 3 of 31

3.0 Points

Practically speaking, a buffer is the reason for what?



Why we can ingest acidic substances and not die



Why water tastes different to each of us



Why we shouldn’t eat white bread



Why gardens are a good hobby


Great job.


Question 4 of 31

3.0 Points

At the most fundamental level, what is life made up of?


A. neutron


B. matter


C. isotope


D. atom

Feedback:Great job.


Question 5 of 31

3.0 Points

Which is more likely to dissolve in water?


A. olive oil


B. fat


C. glucose


D. wax

Feedback:Great job.


Question 6 of 31

3.0 Points

Which is an example of an isotope?


A. Halogens


B. Actinides


C. Carbon-12


D. Hydrogen-1

Feedback:Great job.


Question 7 of 31

3.0 Points

Proteins include all of the following except what?


A. hormones


B. water


C. phospholipids



Feedback:Proteins are one of the most abundant organic molecules, and do not include lipids. Review proteins in Chapter 2.


Question 8 of 31

3.0 Points

A bond between two atoms that occurs frequently, but does not require much energy to break is referred to as what?


A. Hydrogen bond


B. van der Waals Interactions


C. Covalent bond


D. Ionic bond

Feedback:Great job.


Question 9 of 31

3.0 Points

What is the capacity of a substance to withstand rupture when placed under tension or stress?


A. solvent


B. covalent bond


C. surfact tension


D. cohesion


E. adhesion

Feedback:Great job.


Part 2 of 7 - Chapter 12

27.0 Points

Question 10 of 31

3.0 Points

What term describes the wings of insects, bats, and birds?


A. homologous


B. analogous


C. apomorphy


D. synapomorphy

Feedback:Great job.


Question 11 of 31

3.0 Points

Which is the correct order of classification from largest group to smallest?



Canis, Eukarya, Chordata, Canidae, lupus, Animalia, Mammalia



Species, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum, Kingdom, Domain



Phylum, Kingdom, Domain, Class, Species, Genus, Family, Order



Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species


Great job.


Question 12 of 31

3.0 Points

How has molecular systematics changed the how organisms had been classified?


A. Morphologic homology has allowed for the calibration of a molecular clock.


B. Sometimes errors are uncovered and taxa are reclassified from molecular systematics.


C. Molecular systematics has confirmed earlier classifications.


D. Classification has reverted to the Linnean system based on molecular systematics.

Feedback:Molecular systematics uses molecular information including DNA sequencing to study the relationships between organisms. Read more in Chapter 12.


Question 13 of 31

3.0 Points

What is the scientific name of wolves in binomial nomenclature?



Wolves and Dogs



Canis lupus






Canidae Family


Great job.


Question 14 of 31

3.0 Points

Which best describes the assumption maximum parsimony is built on?


A. Molecular data is superior to morphological data when reconstructing evolutionary events.


B. Evolutionary events occurred in the simplest, most obvious way.


C. All of life evolves as a goal driven process under the direction of a higher power.


D. Shared derived characteristics define monophyletic groups.

Feedback:Great job.


Question 15 of 31

3.0 Points

What is a diagram used to represent evolutionary relationships between taxa called?


A. clade


B. phylogeny


C. branch


D. systematic

Feedback:Great job.


Question 16 of 31

3.0 Points

Which assumption of cladistics is correctly stated?


A. There are multiple universal last common ancestors (LUCA).


B. Traits remain homologous and unchanged from one state to another.


C. Speciation can produce two to four new species.


D. The polarity of a character state change can be determined.

Feedback:Great job.


Question 17 of 31

3.0 Points

What term describes the forelimb bones of a bird, bat, horse, whale and human?


A. homologous


B. synapomorphy


C. apomorphy


D. analogous

Feedback:Great job.


Question 18 of 31

3.0 Points

Currently the diversity of all life on earth is contained in 3 domains which are:


A. Family, Genus, Species


B. Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya


C. Bacteria, Animals, Plants


D. Phylum, Class, Order

Feedback:Great job.


Part 3 of 7 - Lecture ELF

9.0 Points

Question 19 of 31

3.0 Points

What is the term for microevolutionary changes that accumulate over a long time period resulting in different species and significant variation among living organisms?


A. Natural Selection


B. Coevolution


C. Macroevolution


D. Convergent Evolution


E. Microevolution

Feedback:Great job!


Question 20 of 31

3.0 Points

Evolutionary change that happens on short time scales from one generation to the next within a population is called what?


A. Natural Selection


B. Macroevolution


C. Microevolution


D. Convergent Evolution


E. Coevolution

Feedback:Evolution is biological change through time from a common ancestor and can occur on smaller or larger scales. Review How Does Evolution Function at Different Scales in the Weekly Lecture Lesson.


Question 21 of 31

3.0 Points

Which pattern of microevolution would result in a population of peas, for example, that were a mix of short and tall?


A. artificial


B. stabilizing


C. disruptive


D. directional

Feedback:Great job!


Part 4 of 7 - Part 3: Lab ELF

9.0 Points

Question 22 of 31

3.0 Points

What should be included when designing a scientific question?


A. It should be based on bias


B. It should repeat the work of another researcher


C. It should be based on moral or legal issues


D. It should be very general


E. It should be based on background research

Feedback:Scientific questions should be specific enough to help design a good hypothesis and should be based on facts, testable, and verifiable. Review the section on scientific questions in the Week 2 Lab ELF Lesson.


Question 23 of 31

3.0 Points

What should be included when generating scientific questions?


A. Personal preferences


B. Predictions about outcomes


C. The word “why”


D. Very broad topics


E. Moral values

Feedback:Scientific questions should be specific enough to help design a good hypothesis and should be based on facts, testable, and verifiable. Review the section on scientific questions in the Week 2 Lab ELF Lesson.


Question 24 of 31

3.0 Points

Which of the following is the best scientific question for proposing a hypothesis and designing an experiment on the effect of a drug (Drug X) on decreasing blood pressure?


A. Should we lower blood pressure?


B. Why is Drug X important to blood pressure?


C. Does Drug X affect blood pressure?


D. How does Drug X affect blood pressure readings?

Feedback:Correct! Scientific questions should be specific enough that can be measured, tested and verified.


Part 5 of 7 - Lab Material

15.0 Points

Question 25 of 31

3.0 Points

Which tetrapod species is an intermediate between fish and tetrapod, seemingly neither of these forms?


A. Ichthyostega


B. Tiktaalik


C. Tulerpeton


D. Pederpes


E. Eusthenopteron



Question 26 of 31

3.0 Points

Which is NOT one of the three bones found in the middle ears of mammals?


A. incus


B. stapes


C. malleus


D. hammer



Question 27 of 31

3.0 Points

What is another word for coccyx?


A. Rib


B. Skull


C. Tailbone


D. Femur


E. Metatarsal



Question 28 of 31

3.0 Points

How many opsins does Kramer have?


A. 4


B. 3


C. 5


D. 2


E. 1



Question 29 of 31

3.0 Points

When did the roots of our modern brain become evident?


A. 12 billion years ago


B. 100 billion years ago


C. 500 million years ago


D. 5 million years ago



Part 6 of 7 - Lab Essay

5.0 Points

Question 30 of 31

5.0 Points

In 2-3 sentences, what was the overall purpose of the lab for this week?


We learned about how humans share same structures as certain animals. As well as how evolution is a huge part of how humans became what they are. 

Comment:Hi Jackie, 
It looks like you have summarized the overall purpose of the week 2 lab objective succinctly. It is interesting how species are related and we can see this by comparing anatomical structures and how they change over time.

Part 7 of 7 - Lab Upload

8.0 Points

Question 31 of 31

8.0 Points

Please upload your completed Lab Packet for this week. Make sure your name is on the top in the space provided. 


    StormerJackie_Lab 2.docx

(4,391.17 KB)


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