Views of Human Resource Development

Views of Human Resource Development

In the textbook, two main views of human resource development are examined.  Discuss the similarities and differences between the views of performance-based and developmental HRD.  Answer the questions:  Which view do you believe is more relevant to your organization.  Why?

Use this week’s lecture as a basis for your post. Reference and cite the textbook in your original post. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Views of Human Resource Development

The Similarities and Differences Between Performance-based and Developmental HRD

Learning and development are the primary similarities between performance-based and developmental HRD.  When learning and development are implemented in HRD, employees will tend to perform well. Our text stated, “Without investment, in the form of development; human resources risk getting stale and outdated”, (Kopp, 2014).  The performance based method of training tends to produce greater profits due to employees performing at higher levels.  The human capital theory states, “an organization's competitive advantage is derived by leveraging the intangible assets of well-trained human capital”, (Kopp, 2014).  Our Instructor Guidance, this week stated, “HRD staff and management should be experts in human capital theory”, (Johnson, 2016).  Employing this knowledge allows HRD to evaluate investment options and choose the option for the greatest return.  (Cornachionne & Daugherty, 2013).  Performance-based employees can generate more profits by utilizing better training and learning.  Intangieble assets such as improved human capital, intellectual capital, brand recognition and excellent customer service can be indicators in outcomes of profits or market shares.  (Weatherly, 2003).

The differences between Performance-based and Developmental HRD are that, Performance-based HRD focuses primarily on the bottom line or profits made.  Developmental HRD is more concerned with the actual employee and their sense of satisfaction from their training.  Some of the main focuses on Developmental HRD are:  Learning and development, fulfillment, self-actualization, human agency, societal development, and human development.  (Kopp, 2014).  Both Performance-based and Developmental HRD depend on quality learning and performance. 

The View I believe is More Relevant to My Organization and Why

The view that is more relevant to my organization is Performance-based.  They are only concerned with the bottom line.  There is very little concern for employees feeling of confidence, or fulfillment, self-actualization, human agency, societal development, or human development.  There has been so many turnovers in management over the past two years, that their quotas are more important than the developmental needs of the staff.  Turnover in non-management positions is starting to take a toll on the bottom line.  Developmental changes in HRD will have to change in order to ensure continued future success.


Cornachionne, E., & Daugherty, J. L. (2013). Trends in opportunity costs of U.S. postsecondary education: A national HRD and human capital theory analysis. New Horizons in Adult Education & Human Resource Development, 25(2). Retrieved from ProQuest database.

Johnson, N.  (2016).  Weekly Instructor Guidance, Week One: PERFORMANCE-BASED HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND THE HUMAN CAPITAL THEORY.  Retrieved from BUS 375: Employee Training.  Forbes School of Business and Technology at Ashford University. 

Kopp, D. M. (2014). Human resource development: Performance improvement through learning. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.

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