
Bachelor of nursing from Charles Darwin University

Nursing is the profession that ensures taking care of sick or ill people. It also promotes preventive health care services in hospitals and healthcare centers. They work in a number of areas like mental health care centers, schools, public health departments, hospitals, etc. Besides taking care of sick people; other duties performed by nurses include: Educating about the conditions of patients, developing care plans, assessments of patients, research work etc. Depending upon the work-place, the role of a nurse can be figured out. The nurses who work in surgical wards provide medications to sick, checks blood pressure, temperature or pulse and looks for any other signs that bother the patients and report it to the medical officer. Those nurses working in hospitals look after sick people mainly the elderly people or children.

Bachelor of nursing from CDU

To work as a professional nurse it is important to have the degree of nursing. This includes completion of bachelor program or diploma program or passing a state examination to obtain the license. Bachelor of nursing is an accredited degree that provides eligibility for registration with nursing and midwifery board of Australia. This course is the combination of primary health care principles with the theoretical knowledge in the subject. This ensures the application of obtained knowledge in global context. At Charles Darwin University students will obtain extensive knowledge to cover current practices that are required to provide high-level care to an individual or a community. Once students complete their graduation they are encouraged to apply to Australian Nursing and midwifery board as beginning level registered nurses. This ensures direct practice with individual, family and community. Students are provided with full time or part time options. During the course, students are provided an opportunity to participate in a clinical setting to broaden their knowledge and enhance their practice. Once students complete their bachelor program they can choose to work in diverse settings like mental health, acute and chronic health, community health etc. The course code is BNRSG and the course is for 3 years if pursued full-time or else it is for 6 years in case of part-time. This course is available for school leavers as well. There are certain admission requirements in this course at Charles Darwin University. Students need to fulfill any one of these requirements to get an entry in a graduate of nursing. Students need to successfully complete northern territory certificate of education and training. Students need to successfully complete a national qualification at Certificate IV level or higher. Likewise, successful completion of higher education degree of 0.5 year or full-time study is important. Students need to completion of tertiary or secondary qualification equivalent to or above Australian qualification. Students need to complete STAT with 135 scores. Likewise, they need to Complete recognized tertiary preparation course and submit acceptable personal competencies statement. International students need to provide English language proficiency test score. The facility of credit transfer is also available at Charles Darwin University. Total of 240 credit points is required by students. Of this 20 credit points come from the common subject, 210 comes from core subject and 10 comes from specialist electives. For more information about the course, you can check the details at the online site of Charles Darwin University.
