
Master of Accounting (professional practice) in Charles Darwin University

Accounting is an important process in any business. An organization or firm keeps the records of all its transaction in the form of accounting. Some of the functions of Accounting are:

  1. Recording transaction
  2. keeping a financial record
  3. internal audits
  4. analyzing financial information
  5. Reporting financial information
  6. Sorting out taxation matters

With the help of accounting, profit and loss of the firm can be easily calculated. With the help of accounting, various information like availability of resources, use of resources and those results obtained from the use of the resources can be calculated. Some important terms used in accounting are:

Balance sheet: The summary of company’s financial state at a particular period of time is termed as a balance sheet. It displays all the financial information about the company like asset, liabilities, etc.

Asset: Any item or products that are owned by a firm or a company and that have monetary value is termed as an asset. It can be land, building, or anything that can be converted into cash.

Master of Accounting

Liability: The obligation to a company that is reported in the balance sheet is termed as a liability. In other words, it is the amount owned by company to suppliers, bank or lender.

Income statement: This statement depicts what happened at the given point of time in the business like sales, expenses, profit, loss etc.

Revenue: The amount received by the company during a particular period by selling a product or availing a service is termed as revenue.

Accounts payable: Money that a company or firm need to pay to the vendor for the purchase of products or services is termed accounts payable.

Accounts receivable: Money that a company needs to receive customer by selling a products or services in credit is termed as accounts receivable.

These are few terms in accounting that are frequently encountered in the subject. Beside this, the course is vast and can be pursued from the best university. Charles Darwin University is the best university for accounting course. Masters in accounting (professional practice) is for those students who are recently pursuing any other field except accounting and want to seek an accounting for their career. Graduates from the non-accounting field or those with partial accounting can get a qualification that meets the requirements for membership CPA Australia, The Chartered Accountant of Australia and New Zealand. Students will be provided an opportunity for business practice or business project. Besides this course also benefits students with knowledge that is required as public or chartered accountants, management, decision-making required for the financial success of the business. This course will also develop skills to become a competent accountant. Along with this student becomes capable of making accounting decision after the completion of the course. The code for the course SPAPP1. This course is for 2 years but if pursued part-time can last for 4 long years. The total credit points required for the course is 160. This course isn’t available for school leavers. Students who have successfully complete bachelor degree in any discipline are eligible for the course. For domestic students, the application is submitted through SATAC whereas international can directly apply thorough CDU. The facility of credit transfer is available with Charles Darwin University. 160 credit points can be obtained in core subjects only. There are no common or elective subjects in the course. For more information about the course, students can contact the university directly or check the online page of Charles Darwin University.
