
EDC111 Exploring and Contesting Curriculum

Assessment 1

Task Description: A report based on an interview

A report based on an interview (1700-2000 words). From the beginning of Topic 1, you should start to think about and prepare for this assessment. Your notes on the readings and your participation in the activities will help you complete this assessment.

There will be a collaborate on this assessment.

Task description: Use somebody’s experiences of schooling to reflect on the importance of the ideas, beliefs and values (i.e. philosophies) of educators and learning settings (schools, classrooms) to the curriculum experiences of learners.

The task involves you:reading the unit readings from Topics 1-3; then writing 5-10 open-ended interview questions; interviewing one or two people(maximum), [which may include family, friends, or your peers (NO teachers)]; and writing a short report. (You may choose to do the interview over email).

The purpose of this task is to use your understanding of curriculum experiences/ school experiences (from the readings) to reflect on/interpret/understand the experiences of one or more people you interview and how these experiences have been influenced by the decisions and practices of educators and/or the school. You must demonstrate to the marker your thoughtful engagement with the unit readings and their ideas using academic writing and referencing. See the samples below. The unit readings must feature strongly in this assessment.

Your report should contain the following sections:

A cover page which is not in the word count

A contents page which is not in the word count

Understanding curriculum experiences: Use the unit readings to write a summary of the key ideas about school experiences and curriculum experiences from Topics 1-3 (recommended word count of approx. 600 words). You must use at least three unit readings and correct APA referencing. The unit readings must feature strongly in this assessment- refer to the sample assessments provided below. No research needed in this section as you are simply summarising the unit readings.

Interview questions: Use your understanding of the readings from Topics 1-3 to write 5-10 open-ended interview questions (OR choose from the ones we have provided). The questions should aim to elicit lengthy and interesting responses about the interviewee's curriculum/ school experiences. There is no word count allocation to this section. We have provided interview questions that you can use OR you can devise your own open ended questions.

Interviewee's context and responses:

  1. Describe the interviewee's context and any other helpful background information (e.g. where they went to school, when, private or public school? etc.) (100-200 words recommended). No readings or research is needed in this section.
  2. Briefly summarise your interviewee’s/interviewees’ responses to the questions (recommended word count of approx. 300 words). Dot points can be used here. No referencing needed in this section.

Findings: Compare the experiences of your interviewee/s with the ideas contained in the unit readings from Topics 1-3. You can write these as paragraphs, or you can divide this section into each of the specific comparisons you want to make. (Recommended word length is 500-700). The unit readings must feature strongly in this assessment. AFTER you have used the unit readings you can include some research.

Reflection: What did you learn by undertaking this task? (Recommended word counts here of approx. 200 words). In this section only, you should use first person point of view in your writing. You do not need referencing in this section.

Reference page (always begins on a separate page and is not in the word count): At least three unit readings are needed for a pass. There is an example end text reference list in your Discussion Boards under 'APA questions'. The list must be in alphabetical order.

Appendix - this is not in the word count and goes AFTER the Reference List and begins on a separate page. There is no word limit for this section.

This might include any additional, relevant documents you wish to submit (and will not be assessed eg. the interview transcript).

Additional Information about this assessment

The word count for this assessment is 1700-2000. This includes all text (headings, in-text citations, captions and direct quotes). It excludes the Reference list, Appendix and Interview questions.What we have given you are just suggestions/ recommendations for the word counts in each section. We areokayif people are slightly over the 2000. It is better to be over than under and you can pop additional work into an Appendix if needed.

In text referencing according to the APA is required as well as formal academic writing.


These are the readings we expect to see used in your first assessment: Topics 1 and 2 have the same reading.

Assessment 2 resources folder

Task Description

Do you have a copy of our essential text yet? All the assessments need to have all the expected readings from the essential text in them! Our assessments revolve around this text book.

This assessment requires you to develop a clear answer to the question below. You must create a clear and well-supported argument to support your response.

You must demonstrate to your marker that you understand some of the main ideas of the unit, especially from Topics 3-8,using academic writing and referencing. At least five unit readings are needed for a pass in this assessment. The unit readings must feature strongly in this assessment.

Unit reading information can be found in the Program Calendar at the back of the Unit Outline.

Your essay should be written in 3rd person point of view (e.g. formal and academic in tone).

The question is: (as a future teacher) ‘Why is studying culture and society worthwhile?’

You do not have to cover all of the topics, but you will need at least FIVE readings from Topics 3-8, so choose carefully. Seek help with Smart thinking (their contact details are in our Unit Outline).

To re-frame the question for you................. why does a teacher need to know a student's background and home issues eg. if they are rich/poor/homeless/ living in poverty..........if they are an immigrant or a refugee............if they speak Standard Australian English or not..........if they are having gender identity challenges..................?? Or, does none of that matter because teachers need to simply teach the formal curriculum and not worry about each child's differences.........

You are welcome to refer to, analyse, or provide examples to support your argument (e.g. media articles, controversial events, a variety of school websites) in addition to using FIVE unit readings.

There will be a collaborate on this assessment. If you cannot attend, we HIGHLY recommend that you listen to the recording before posting your question in the Discussion Board.

Refer to the samples (scroll down) for layout etc.

Arial or Times New Roman - font size 11 or 12 are good to use.

1 or 1.5 line spacing

do not indent your paragraphs - just miss a line in between

standard Word doc margins

NO headings or subheadings in an essay please

FOLLOW the SEEEL paragraph format from the collaborate (or GOOGLE it)

At least TWO readings/ academic sources in every body paragraph are needed for academic strength

Do not end a paragraph on a direct quote (as it still needs to be explained)


Assessment 3 resources folder

Task Description

This assessment is out of 100 and will be converted to a final mark out of 50.

The word count expected is between 2500-3000 words.

Imagine you are an educator who observes one of the situations described in this scenario document.

Concerned by what you observe, you then decide to create a useful guide for educators on the issue/topic/s you observe in the situation. The guide can be a booklet (PDF or Word), interactive e-book or e-magazine, or website/blog site. The purpose of the resource is to inform and educate your colleagues about the issue/s, so they can be better informed educators.

This is formal academic writing and in text referencing, correct paragraph format and tone are needed.

AT LEAST FIVE (5) UNIT READINGS are needed to show an engagement with the unit ideas and content! The unit readings must come from the list provided in the Program Calendar at the back of our Unit Outline. You must show a deep engagement with these readings first, then choose additional/ extension ones and add research.

While you can organise the guide in any way you choose, everyone needs to submit a Word document which will go through Turnitin. If you create an electronic resource, place the link at the top of the Word document (your draft script/ word document). If you are creating a Word document, upload the final version only. This will be explained and discussed further at a Collaborate session on Assessment 3.

Your resource must have at least the following key sections:

A brief Introduction: This should introduce to the reader the guide, the issue/topic, what to expect andthe guide's purpose and contents (200 words recommended).

The issue (your own subheading if you like): This section describes and explains the issue/topic. It should explain why educators should know or learn about it. You must use the unit readings (or project resources readings in the side bar tab in 'Week 11') to describe and explain the issue. You can also use other associated resources from the unit in your description and explanation. You can link your issue to other issues (they are often inter-related), but try to give emphasis to one only unless you can combine more than one to some depth (1000-1200 words recommended).

Defensible approaches/strategies: This section focuses on describing and justifying (with readings/references) one or more appropriate and effective approaches educators and schools can use at a classroom, centre, school, and/or community level to respond to the issue.You cannot make up strategies - they must come from a reading or wider research. Each strategy needs a reference next to it.It should not be a list, but a detailed description of and justification for one or more strategies or approaches. These should be justified by reference to research from the unit readings and resources, and any other credible source. You should demonstrate a deep understanding of why these approaches/strategies are important (200-400 words recommended).

An awareness of the curricula documents and frameworks and their overarching philosophies and understandings:What educators do should be framed by formal curriculum documents and policies. This section describes how the issue and/or the approaches/strategies for addressing the issue are or could be linked to philosophies of the official curriculum documents or framework documents, which might include the Melbourne Declaration, the Adelaide Declaration, the Australian Curriculum and/or the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). This section should demonstrate your understanding of the underlying principles of these official curricula document/s. (200-300 words recommended).

Ideas into practice: In this section, you should provide a thoughtful activity for TEACHERS (not students) that they can complete (individually or in groups) in a professional development session so they can learn about the issue/s, and related approaches and strategies. For example, you could create a scenario/case study with a number of discussion questions or activities that encourage educators to understand and respond appropriately to certain situations. You should state the objectives of the activity at the top of the section. Be creative. (200-400 words recommended).

Conclusion:(200 words recommended).

Additional resources for educators (3-5 appropriate resources or additional sourced readings recommended).Each resource must have a brief synopsis attached – why this would be helpful/ what is it about. This is not in the word count.

A separate reference list: Provide a list of the references you have used. This is not in the word count.

No official Curtin cover page needed - YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN for this assessment!

Make sure you name your document correctly (surname_first name_Student ID_ unit and ass number).

Make sure you have listened to the collaborate.

Make sure you have accessed Smart thinking!
