
Bachelor of agriculture

Bachelor of agriculture in the University of Melbourne is a three-year full time or part time course that is available in Dookie and Parkville colleges. The VTAC code for the course is 3800446061; international VTAC code is 3800446063 and CRICOS code is 037228G. This course is available for national as well as international students. This course provides knowledge to students to apply scientific skills in real-world issues. Some of the advantages that students will obtain by opting the course are:

  1. Foundation in agricultural science will be strengthened.
  2. Helps in understanding the industrial concept.
  3. Integration of cross-disciplinary subject at every level of study.
  4. Development of global perceptive.
  5. Improvement in communication skills.
  6. Development of problem-solving and team work skills.
  7. Exposure to farm technologist in the university.
  8. Opportunities for external placements.

During the first year of the course, students will develop a strong foundation in the agricultural science. This course includes some of the important subjects like biology, natural environment, agricultural science and agricultural production. In the remaining two years, students are provided an opportunity to pursue major in different subjects like animal science, plant science, soil science and agricultural economics. Students will also investigate the chief reason for agricultural production from scientific, environmental economic and ethical. Students will also use their skills and knowledge to solve the industrial problem in agriculture. They will work to improve the production of the crop by keeping in consideration the climate change and food sustainability. Along with theoretical learning, students will also be allowed to experience practical portions of the subject. Since students will continue their study on campus, so they will be exposed to great ambiance and different recreational activities present in and around the campus area.

Students are guided by experienced and trained personality in the course in bachelor of agriculture. So they are made ready for the job as an agricultural scientist in the course. The job opportunity for graduates in agriculture is really high. As an agricultural scientist, students can contribute to the development of community, nation and the world. This job not only develops theoretical knowledge in students but also blooms them to fit in the present world. Along with problem-solving skills, students also come out strong enough to take challenges and work on them.

The lowest score at which students are granted entry is 70.30 i.e. clearly in rank. Minimum ATAR score of 70 is required for the course and eligible students are granted entry through access Melbourne entry. There is certain pre-requisite for admission as well. Unit 3 and 4: study core of minimum 30 in EAL, 25 in Mathematical method or specialist mathematics and 30 in further mathematics. All the domestic students enroll in Commonwealth supported a place that is settled by Australian Government. Based on the subjects that are undertaken, students need to pay contribution amount determined by subjects that are undertaken. If students have completed the post-secondary study, they will be granted extra credit for this task. Students are also provided different scholarships for the course. Some of them are sport scholarships, traveling scholarships, faculty scholarships, indigenous commonwealth scholarship, Melbourne access scholarship, etc. Once students complete their graduate program they can go for agribusiness or veterinary medicine for the course.
