
Online Learning in Big Data

  • Online Learning is assistant field of machine learning
  • It permits to extend supervised learning model into a enormous dataset
  • The general idea behind this is , It s is enough to study every instance at a time, it’s not required to study all the values in memory to fix a model
  • The way to deploy an online learning algorithm using logistic regression is projected here. In majority of the supervised learning algorithms, it reduces the cost function.
  • The cost function in logistic regression is noted as follows
  • online learning img1
  • J(θ) denotes the cost function and hθ (x) denotes the assumption. The logistic regression is represented using the notation
  • online learning img2
  • The cost function is explored, next is to identify an algorithm to reduce it
  • The non difficult algorithm to attain this is termed as stochastic gradient descent
  • The revised protocol of the algorithm for the weights of the logistical model of regression is represented as
  • online learning img3
  • Here, From a kaggle competition , the titanic dataset is taken to work
  • The source data is available in the directory bda/part3/vwfolder
    • csv is a training data
    • csv is an unnamed data to create new forecasts
  • csv format is to be converted into vowpal wabbit input format
  • Utilize csv_to_vowpal_wabbit.py python script
  • It needs python t work on. It lies in the forlder bda/part3/vwfolder
  • In a terminal , run the command : python csv_to_vowpal_wabbit.py

The underlying code displays the regression model result while executing in a command line. By the result, it is attained with an average log loss and a report about the performance of an algorithm

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The model.vw is employed and trained to produce the forecast with the newly available data

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The forecasts from the above command are unnormalized to fix in the range of 0 to 1. To perform this, sigmoid transformation is employed

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