
Text Analytics

Text Analytics in Big Data Analytics

  • It analyse the content of the text
  • the text data is considered here which explains the freelancers profile and the  rate / hour in term of US Dollars
  • The concept is fixing a model which offers the skills of freelancer and needed to forecast their salary in hourly basis
  • the underlying code demonstrates the way to change the raw data i.e. skills of clients in a set of text or word matrix form
  • To achieve this, tm (R library) is employed
  • It refers that for every word in the data , it is required to generate variable with the count of appearances of every variable
  • text analytics img1
  • To get a sparse solution , it is needed to fix a model to represent text as a sparse matrix
  • An another substitute for this scenario is employing Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator shortly noted as LASSO
  • It is a regression model which chooses the key applicable features to forecast the target
  • text analytics img2
  • This is model which forecasts an hourly salary of a freelancer once the collection of skills is offered
  • When more data is gathered, the resultant performance of the model will increase
  • The code to deploy this stream will be same