
Data abstraction in C++

Data abstraction is the important concept in object oriented programming. Abstraction is termed as displaying the essential information and hiding the details. This data abstraction refers to the which provides the essential information about the data of the outside world.

Abstractions using Classes

This classNamehelps to group the data member and function member using available access specifiers. A classNamewill decide which data member is visible outside the world.

Abstraction using Header Files

Using the abstraction classNamein header files. Considering two header files math.h and pow(). This pow() is present inside the math.h header file and pass the number as arguments without using any algorithm according to the actually calculating power of numbers.

Abstraction using Access Specifiers

Abstraction is the main pillar of the object oriented programming. This access specifiers are used within the classNamemembers. Members can be declared as public, private and protected.

