
Functions in C++

Defining the Function

Program is splitted into the module called function .breaking of the program to smaller module. Function is called by function name. The entire program contains function in main program.


Function Declaration

C++ program consists of function declaration and functional body in the function definition.

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Calling a Function

The function defines the body of the program. A function may call by providing the function name along with parameters that is included in the parenthesis.

Float area (float, float);

The function call is defined as

area (x, y);

Here x, y are declared as float variables. The function call is similar to that of function declaration without type specifier. Whenever the function call is encountered the control flow moves to the function declaration and executes the command.

Function Arguments

Function arguments are defined in two ways such as Call by Value and Call by Reference. Arguments may be passed by value or through address. This may be scalar, structures and unions which may be passed through arguments. Modification of parameter will not affect or modify the arguments passed by function call.

Figure : Function Arguments

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Call by Value

The call by value method copies the value of the actual parameters into the formal parameters, that is, the function creates its own copy of argument values and then uses them. The original value will not be modified or affected when the value is passed locally to store the function in the stack. If there is the change in the value of the function parameter but the value of the variable inside the main function will not change.

Tip - In call by value method, the changes are not reflected back to the original values.


Call by reference

The formal and actual parameters were referred to same location that may change inside the function which is reflected in the actual parameters. The original value may be modified or changed as the reference is passed without the value. The address of the value is passed to the function in which the actual parameter and formal parameter shares the same address location. the change inside the function reflects the change in inside and outside the function.


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