
Overloading in C++

The overloaded declaration is the statement declared with the same name as like previously declared name except the arguments. C++ allows specifying more than one definition for function name or the operator in some scope which is celled as function overloading and operator overloading respectively.

Function Overloading in C++

There are multiple definition for same function name in the same scope. This may differ from each other with the number of arguments in the argument list. the function without return type cannot be overloaded.


Operators Overloading in C++

Overloaded operators are the function with special name with the keyword operator followed by the operator that is being defined. An operator can be overloaded which has the return type and list of parameter.

Box operator+ (const Box&);


Overloadable / Non –Overloadable Operators

There are list of operators which are overloaded and not overloaded.

The operator that is not overloaded is

overloading operator and function img1

The overloaded operator are listed as

overloading operator and function img2

Operator Overloading Examples

Unary Operators Overloading

The unary operator has the single operand and the object for which they were called normally. This operator is on the left side of the object like –obj, ++obj or obj--, obj++.

There are different unary operators

  • The increment (++) and decrement (--) operators
  • The unary minus (-) operator
  • The unary not (!) operator

Binary Operators Overloading

The binary operator has two arguments which includes two operand with the single operator to perform the operations. The binary operators are addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/) operator.

Relational Operators Overloading

There are various relational operator which is used to compared with different data type. Overloading operator can be compared with the objects of the className. There are different overloading operator such as ( =, =, ==, )

Input / Output Operators Overloading

The input and output data type using the stream extraction operator and stream insertion operator . These stream extraction and stream insertion can be overloaded to perform input and output for user defined data types like an object.

Overloading Increment ++ and Decrement --

These two increment operator and the decrement operator are the two important unary operator used in c++ to overload the prefix to postfix usage.

Assignment Operators Overloading

The assignment operator (=) is the operator which is overloaded to create the object like the copy constructor.

Function Call Operators Overloading

The function call operator can be overloaded for the objects of data type. When the operator is overloaded, creating a new way of function call that can be passed on with number of parameters.

Subscripting Operators Overloading

This operator normally used for accessing the array elements. This operator can be overloaded to existing functionality of the arrays.

classNameMember Access Operator (-) Overloading

The classNamemember access operator is overloaded but little risky. It is defined to provide the pointer like behavior. This is the member function and its return type must be pointer or an object of the className. This operator is used to conjunction with the pointer dereference operator * to implement the smart pointers.”
