
Assignment Help with Pointers in C++

What are Pointers?

A pointer is a variable which holds the address of another variable. The value is stored in the computer memory that holds another value. A point refers the memory location and obtains the value that is stored in the location.

Using Pointers in C++

There are different features when the pointer is used in C++. They are

  • Pointers will save the memory.
  • Pointers will reduce the length and complexity of a program.
  • Pointers only allows passing of arrays and strings to functions more efficiently and perfectly.
  • Pointers will make all the possible moves to return more than one value from the function.
  • Pointers always increase the processing speed.

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How to use Pointers in C++


Program Output:

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Pointers in C++

Pointers are the variable which holds the address of the other variable. In computer memory the memory cells are holding byte of data for unique address. This dealing is done with the pointers. Accessing of the value which is stored in the address using unary operator returns the value of the variable located at its operand. When the pointer is incremented by 1 the size of data type points to next memory location.


Null Pointers

Like other variables, pointers are not initialized unless the value is assigned to the pointer with some garbage address by default. A null value is the special value which points to the pointing value and the pointer that holds null value is called null pointer.

Initializing Pointers

    Float *ptr {0};
    Float *ptr ;


This is applicable both when adding and subtracting any number to a pointer. It would happen exactly the same if we wrote:

Pointers vs Arrays

The difference between pointer and array in C++ is tabulated below.

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Array of Pointers

Pointer is an important tools in the computer science which is used for creating, deleting and updating of all other data structures. An array is useful in terms of the pointers which allow the numerical index is as large as the set of variables.


Pointer to a pointer

The set of operations can be performed to store the data in the database. This may either increment or decrement, an integer may subtract and an integer may be added with the pointer.


Passing Pointer to a Pointer

C++ allows the pointer to point to the variable, in turn it points to the data. Pointer is represented in form of * that is declared in the function. Assume the randomly choose memory location for the variable separately which is represented as the below. Each variable represent inside the cell and their memory location is assigned with the value.

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  • c is of type char** and a value of 8092
  • *c is of type char* and a value of 7230
  • **c is of type char and a value of 'z'

Passing Pointers to Functions

This allows the operation of pointer in the function. This is used for passing a pointer as arguments to other function. Pointer within the function is declared with the same syntax like function declaration where function is enclosed between parentheses () and an asterisk (*) is inserted before the name:

the example above, minus is a pointer to a function that has two parameters of type int. It is directly initialized to point to the function subtraction:

int (*minus)(int, int) = Subtraction

Return Pointer from Functions

Instead of a even a reference, a function may return a pointer. The body of the function defines it. Defining the pointer is through address of other variable.

