
CMPUT 204 Computer Science Assignment

CMPUT 204 Computer Science Assignment

University of Alberta

Homework Assignment

Note: This assignment covers topics from the end of week 10 (unit 10) slides to week 13 (unit 13) slides, including DFS applications, greedy algorithm, the MST and shorted path problems, and dynamic programming.

All logs are base-2 unless stated otherwise. For some of the problems, it is clearly stated that you must write pseudocode. For any other question asking you to propose/give an algorithm, you can either write a pseudocode or clearly describe each step of your algorithm.

Same as before, you only need to submit yours solutions to Problems. Exercises are used for your own practice, some of which may be discussed in seminars.

Exercise I. Exercise 22.4-5 on p.615 of CLRS.

Exercise II.

  1. Prove that in any graph with edge-weights that are distinct (no pair of edges exists with the same weight), then both Prim and Kruskal must output the same MST, regardless of the starting node.
  2. Give an example of a graph where the edge-weights aren’t distinct, when Prim, Kruskal and Dijkstra must output the same tree regarding of the starting node.

Exercise III. Consider a digraph G = (V,E) in which the only negative edges are those that leave the vertex s V ; all other edges are positive. Can Dijkstra’s algorithm, started at s, fail on such a graph? Prove your answer. What if we have an additional condition that there is no negative cycle in G?

Exercise IV. Greedy algorithms do not always yield optimal solutions. Consider the longest-path problem as follows: Given an undirected graph with weights on the edges and a pair of vertices s and t, find a longest simple path from s to t.

The greedy approach is a version of Dijkstra, where you pick the max-edge crossing the cut between the current set of vertices and the remaining set of vertices. Describe the greedy-approach for solving this problem. Show that this greedy-approach does not always yield an optimal solution by giving a counter example where it fails to find an optimal solution.

Problem 1. (11 marks) A digraph G = (V,E) is called a one-way connected graph if for every two vertices u,v V , either there is a path from u to v or there is a path from v to u (but never both, so u and v can never be strongly connected).

  1. (6 marks) State a necessary and sufficient condition for a digraph to be one-way connected. Prove its correctness (i.e., prove it is a necessary condition and also a sufficient condition).

Note: Here is an incorrect answer. Consider the condition “every pair of vertices u and v are not strongly connected”. It is obviously a necessary condition, since a one-way connected graph cannot have both a path from u to v and a path from v to u. While it is NOT a sufficient condition, since a digraph satisfying this condition may not be a one-way connected graph (e.g.: In a digraph with three vertices 1,2,3 and two edges h1,2i and h3,2i, each pair of vertices are not strongly connected, and the digraph is also not one-way connected since there is no path between 1 and 3).

  1. (5 marks) Describe an efficient algorithm to determine whether or not an input digraph G = (V,E) is one-way connected. Analyze the running time of your algorithm. (Hint: Make use of the condition you state in part a.)

Problem 2. (12 marks) In a group of n people, each person has met exactly d other people of the group, and the remaining n d − 1 people are strangers to him. Suppose that we know for every two persons whether they have met before or they are strangers to each other. Prove that we can always find a group of size  from these n people such that no two of them have met before. Describe an efficient greedy algorithm to find such a sub-group of people and analyze its running time.

Problem 3. (15 marks) Suppose you are a teller and the currency in your country is arranged in coins of increasing C values (each coin has a value of a power of C for some integer C > 1), i.e., you have coins of 1¢, C¢, C2¢, ..., Ck¢ up to some k ≥ 1. Your customer wants you to make change for N¢ (N is a positive integer) using the minimum number of coins.

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Problem 4. (12 marks) Consider an edge weighted connected graph G = (V,E) with edge weights w(u,v) for each edge (u,v) ∈ E, and a MST of the graph, T. Suppose a new edge (u,v) ∈/ E with weight w(u,v), where u,vV , is added to the graph. Describe a procedure that would find the new MST of the revised graph. Your algorithm must run faster than recomputing the MST from scratch, i.e., must run in o(|E|log|V |). Analyze the running time of your procedure.

Problem 5. (15 marks) The max-bottleneck path problem: Given a weighted undirected graph G = (V,E) with non-negative weights w(u,v) for each edge {u,v} ∈ E, suppose the weight w(u,v) represents the max-capacity of a message sent along the edge {u,v}. (Alternatively, you can consider the edges as roads and the weights as the heights of the bridges above these roads.) Thus, the bottleneck along a path (v0,v1,...,vk) is min1≤ik{w(vi−1,vi)}. A max-bottleneck path between u and v is a path whose bottleneck is the largest among all paths connecting u and v.

Given a starting vertex s, propose an algorithm in pseudocode to find the max-bottleneck path from to every other node in V . Prove the correctness of your algorithm and analyze its running time.

Problem 6. (15 marks) A native Australian named Anatjari wishes to cross a desert carrying only one single water bottle. There are n watering holes h1,h2,...,hn along the way and he has a map that marks all of them. The only places allowing him to refill his bottle are at these watering holes, but he can select which of the watering holes to stop at. He starts from location s with one bottle of water, and he needs to walk di miles from s to watering hole hi, for i = 1,2,...,n. Suppose he can walk at most M miles on one bottle of water, and if he only walks x < M miles on one bottle of water (that is, with one bottle of water, he walks x miles to the next watering hole he selected to stop at and refill his bottle), we say he has a “wasting” of (M x)2.

Assume the road is on a straight line and so are the watering holes, with d1 < d2 < ··· < dn. We say Anatjari will finally cross the desert by arriving at the last watering hole hn. Design an efficient algorithm in pseudocode, using dynamic programming, to determine which watering holes Anatjari should stop at and refill his bottle in order to cross the desert and minimize his total “wasting”. Prove the correctness of your algorithm.
