
Critical Reflection Essay

  1. If in your hospital the only oral opioid you have is dihydrocodeine: For post sports orthopedic surgeries like ACL, shoulder, hand and ankle pain management what is the latest guidelines and studies and evidenced based data’s recommendation regarding the starting dose and frequency for oral opioids specially dihydrocodeine?
  2. How effective is it to start the patient on paracetamol (acetaminophen) around the clock plus NSAIDs around the clock PLUS when needed dihydrocodeine? Will this combination reduce patient’s need for dihydrocodeine and other opioids?
  3. What are the most updated recommendations and guidelines on providing opioids to post op orthopedic patients.
  4. You had one ACLR patient that his pain was not managed by dihydrocodeine and he was switched to tramadol. The switch to tramadol was successful in managing patient’s pain. What is the reason that tramadol worked better than dihydrocodeine for this patient?
  5. You had one ACLR patient that his pain was not managed by dihydrocodeine and he was switched to oxycodone. The switch to oxycodone was successful in managing patient’s pain. What is the reason that tramadol worked better than dihydrocodeine for this patient?
  6. What is the latest guidelines on switching dose of morphine PCA to oral dihydrocodeine and other oral opioids.
  7. What are the international guidelines regarding reporting narcotics adverse drug reactions (ADR)?
  8. What is the emetogenicity of dihydrocodeine compared to other narcotics?
  9. What are the evidenced based recommendations regarding adding a zolpidem order to help a post op patient sleep who is on dihydrocodeine?

Critical Reflection Essay

Students are to choose a client from their service/workplace. Using the literature, critically evaluate the assessment and care implemented for this person. The discussion should examine the person holistically and identify the measures to support and involve carers in the planning of treatment options. Finally, drawing on knowledge, reflect on the findings and make suggestions to adjust or change assessment processes and/or therapeutic interventions for this consumer.

The student should include analysis of the use of a biopsychosocial assessment, and of the range of therapeutic interventions offered. This includes the appropriateness for the use of medical interventions like the use of pharmacology and ECT, and other important interventions that promote individual recovery e.g. The use of advanced communication skills to facilitate changes in health behaviours, psychotherapy, art and music therapy and the ‘hearing voices network’ that facilitates and promotes a therapeutic alliance with the consumer and their family/carers.

Weighting:                                          50%

Length and/or format:                         Critical Reflection essay 2000 words

Purpose:                                             This provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate knowledge and critical reflection of biopsychosocial assessments and a range of therapeutic interventions utilised in mental health care over the course of the semester
