
Create database for the HR department Solution

Write one SQL Query that uses the commands OR, AND, IN, Substring, CASE, and LIKE. Discuss the logic that explains what this query does and why you created it. (Output shows Alias).

Answer: select SUBSTRING(emp_fname,1,8) as first_name, emp_lname,

CASE emp_marriagestatus WHEN 'S' THEN 'SINGLE'




from employees where emp_city in ('Tempe') and emp_gender LIKE 'f%' or emp_salary >'$14000'

Logic : The above query extracts first eight letters of employee first name by using SUBSTRING, extract last name of employee and also extract employee marriage status using CASE for (single, married and head of household). Thee where condition extract only those employees whose cities IN ('Tempe')AND and emp_gender LIKE 'F%' OR emp_salary >$14000


Zelda Zandraberg SINGLE

Ursula Underwood SINGLE

Twila Thompson SINGLE

Sara Sanderson MARRIED

Renee Raleigh MARRIED

Barbara Quinten MARRIED

Nancy Franks SINGLE

Francesc Halifax MARRIED

Krishna Khalid MARRIED

Mario Vasquez MARRIED

Othello Oppenheimer MARRIED

Elizabet Pearson MARRIED

Quentin Quintaro HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD

Stephen Robertson HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD


Database Course Help

Write one SQL Query to calculate the minimum salaries for Employees by Job Title. (Output shows Alias).


select min(emp_salary) AS MINIMUM_SLARY,JOB_TITLE from Employees inner Join Job_title on Employees.job_id=Job_title.job_id GROUP BY JOB_TITLE


$131250 Chief Technical Officer

Database Course Help