
Improving Profits Accounting Assignment Help

One of the most important objectives of a business is to achieve sustainability, long term growth & going concern. To be sustainable & groin concern the business needs to be profitable. Now a days it’s getting difficult for the business to earn constant and even if the business is earning constant amount of profit year on year, it won’t be able to survive. The reason behind this is increasing inflation, slowdown of economic growth, increase in competitors, variety in demand of customers, availability of similar products at relatively cheap prices and so on. So, to survive the business has the focus on increasing profitability. For this, the business needs to formulate a plan to remain competitive and rebuild their profit without raising prices or relying on significantly increasing revenues. This will call for a new wave of cost management - not to find short term fixes and cost cutting but to uncover a wholly more efficient and low cost way of delivering value to customers. Companies that achieve this can create a platform for a higher level of performance to take them through the immediate economic constraints and give them a platform for short term growth through increasing market share and long term growth as demand rises in the future.

Strategies to improve profit:-

Improving profitability vary from business to business. But the common thing for all the businesses is to identify the profit drivers. Once profit drivers are identified and measured, develop strategies to grow them, without increasing costs. Making your business more profitable involves looking at ways to increase sales revenue as well as decreasing your costs and benchmarking your business to see where you can save money. Then prioritize the strategies identified so that you can focus on the most important ones.

1) Adaptable to change: To increase profitability and cash flow in business, it must welcome change. The company must become a learning company that thirsts for knowledge that helps to learn how to do things better and faster while improving quality and productivity. But change is difficult for many entrepreneurs because they have strong opinions and that makes them resistant to change. But what they think about is what they become. So if they really want to become more profitable and improve operations in your company, they first have to shift their focus away from the limiting thoughts & always ready to welcome the change needed.

2) Increase Sales Revenue:

  1. Increase productivity of your staff - recognize and reward staff contributions with staff performance reviews and teach them sales skills.
  2. Develop new product lines - survey the customers about new products.
  3. Find new customers - new customers can help grow your business.
  4. Find new markets - use market research to determine if business could be expanded into new areas.
  5. Customer service - improve customer service.
  6. Refocusing on what the customers really value - by re-examining the goods, services and propositions that are offered. Through checking how existing goods and services meet changing customer requirements there is the opportunity to re-designing those offerings so that they cost less to produce and deliver.
  7. Price discounts - consider price discounts and promotions to increase customer base.

3) Reduce Costs:

  1. Decrease inventory - stock control is a good way to streamline the business.
  2. Decrease direct costs - make sure to have the right suppliers for the business and negotiate for better prices or discounts for buying in bulk.
  3. Decrease indirect costs and overheads - try to minimize waste, errors & overheads in the business by optimum utilization of resources available. This can be done training the employees.
  4. Benchmark key financials - benchmarking business helps to compare its costs (like rent and utilities etc.) to similar businesses in its industry to see if it is paying too much.

4 Others:

  1. Changing the operating model: by looking at new, lower cost operating and delivery models. This can be achieved by considering channels to market, new distribution and production partners and new internal operating model, which focus on the goods and services to know what customers want.
  2. Driving ruthless internal efficiency: by stopping any activity that does not add value: companies should uncover inefficient end to end delivery processes right across the supply chain; drive out waste and the cost of failure, maximize the use of the capacity of all resources; and seek new value by exploring sourcing options for services and components.