
Ionic Compounds Assignment Help

From our previous article related to the structure of an atom, we arewell aware that inside an atom, there are present electrons and protons which have negative and positive charge respectively. The reason why an atom is stable is that the number of protons which carry a plus one (+1) positive charge equals to the number of electrons revolving inside an atom which carry a minus one (-1) negative charge. When the total of the charges is taken, one can conclude that the total amount of positive charge equals the total amount of negative charge and hence makes the atom as a whole neutral in terms of electric charge and this is the main reason why an atom is said to be stable. Under the presence of certain compounds or on reacting one compound with the other, it can be seen that some atoms either gain some charge or lose some charge and become a negatively charged version of themselves, mostly due to the exchange of energies between those two specific atoms and the result of such a phenomenon is that the resulting compound will have some or the other kind of electric charge and such an atom is known as an ion. An ion can be both negatively as well as positively charged.

Ionic Compounds Assignment Help

Anion and cation: as discussed above, an ion can be both negatively as well as positively charged and for this kind of ions we have specific names. A positively charged atom is known as a cation and the basic reason behind the formation of the same is when an atom loses an electron due to any reason, this results in the number of protons in the atom get more than the total number of electrons and hence the positive charge in the atom exceeds the negative charge resulting in the atom being positive as a whole. The same happens when the total number of protons in an atom get less than the number of electrons, resulting in a total of negative charge on the atom. Such kind of ion where the negative charge is more than the positive charge is known as a cation and this simply means that the number of electrons in that specific atom is more than the number of protons. The easiest way to find out if an atom will form a cation or an anion after a reaction is to use the thumb rule where the total charge on the atom can be calculated using the valence electrons and their ocatat.

Nomenclature of ionic compounds: in chemistry, nomenclature means naming of chemical compounds so that it is easier to categorize and group them once the research on them is complete. In this paragraph, we aregoing to learn some of the very basic rules of the naming of an ionic compound. The rules are as follows:

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  1. While writing the name of the ion, it is to be made sure that the name of the anion comes after that of the cation and the same precaution has to be followed while writing the chemical formula of the same.
  2. The word ion has not to be included while writing the name of the cation in the ionic compound. The only exception to this rule is that when the atom is polyvalent, that is it has multiple valencies, we write the word ion.
  3. Since we areaware that a negative and a positive charge cancel out each other, the same thing happens with that of the ionic compounds and this is so because when an ionic compound, let’s suppose a cation and an anion form, we can visualise the fact that a positively charged atom is combining with a negatively charged atom and they both tend to cancel out the charges of the opposite one. From this, we can reach to a conclusion that the total charge on any compound formed by two ionic compounds has to be zero otherwise the compound won’t be stable as compared to the other versions of the same.
  4. While writing the name of an ionic compound, that is a compound formed by two it more ions, one should make sure that if the charge is huge, one should always write the highest common factor of the same. One of the best examples of this is NaCl. both of these components, that is the sodium and the chloride have a charge of two but we write this in the form described above so that it doesn’t get more complex than it already is.

Conclusion: in this article, we read and learned about some of the very basic things about ions and ionic compounds, the way they are formed and the various things that are to be kept in mind while naming the same. For a detailed article about ionic compounds, stay tuned.
