
Variables in Matlab

4. Matlab – Variables

Variables are named entity in java script environment. The entity holds values. The values are retrieved from the entity using the name.


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In the above illustration, the current Matlab working space has two user specified variables such as x, y and Matlab assigned variable ans. After finding the maximum value from the two variables x and y, the user don’t specify any output variable. By default, the output value will be assigned to the variable ‘ans’.

4.1 who command list the variables in the current working space.

4.2 whos command

The command displays the variables and the associated properties of each variable.


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4.3 clear

To clear the variable from the memory, variable name followed by clear command can be specified.

To clear all the variables from the memory clear command can be specified.


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4.4 Format Command

Matlab returns the floating point numbers with four decimal places. To alter that representation matlab supports various formatting command. The following are the formatting commands.

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Format long

To increase the number of decimal places

Format short

To decrease the number of decimal places

Format long e

To increase the number of decimal places with exponential notation

Format short e

To decrease the number of decimal places with exponential notation

Format rat

To display in rational format


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4.5 Vectors

The representation of elements in single dimensional array either in row or column is called as vector. Based on the representation, it can be classified into two types:

  • Row vector
  • Column vector

Row vector

The arrays of elements are represented in a row.

Column vector

The arrays of elements are represented in a column.


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4.6 Matrix in Matlab

The elements are represented in two dimensional both in row and column is known as matrix.


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