
Mental health support Assignment Help

Mental health support Assignment Help

Choose a major mental health condition or adjustment concern that is common in later life. Describe the signs and symptoms of the condition/adjustment concern and highlight the features associated with older age. Evaluate how the condition may influence an older person and the people around them, paying attention to social, cultural, and environmental factors. Identify and describe appropriate supports and treatment approaches.

If the person chooses autism or other developmental disabilities, tell them about the severity of these issues and how they affect daily living skills. In addition, tell them about the support services available to help them manage and participate effectively in daily life.

Provide tools with which the person could help themselves (e.g., journal or self-help books, books/computer programs, or software), including any suggested approaches. Tell the person that helps in using one of those tools or in taking advantage of extra services that might help them.

Encourage the person to share his or her experience. Encourage the person by using examples, stories, or other appropriate means (including talking in the person's presence) to show how the changes may affect people as well as other people. For example, if the person wants to show his or her wife how important it is for him, talk him or her into wearing an unusual, unusual, or special tie.

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Tell the person, "I support the changes you want to make in the way you think about this. I understand. I don't object to your having the discussions you need to have, and I'll support you." Then, offer support and encouragement. Be specific: "Will you call me next month?" or "I'll have a copy of an article [and other materials] just for you."

Finally, ask the person how the changes can affect him or her and offer to help in any way that may make sense to both of you.

Be clear and firm in your communication. Be firm about not being defensive or criticizing the person. Do not offer to modify the person's behavior because there may be no other way to help him or her. Just describe the situation and offer to help the person make it better.

If appropriate for you, help the person identify a person to talk to about the topic of aging and discuss how a referral can help him/her to find a therapist or other support services.

If the person has a physical or mental health problem, you may also want to discuss it with the person's health care professional. You can read more resources available on http://sane.org/adult-health-access/health-care-professional-louder-than-thou
