The Business Process

Part A

1. Design the business process of a KFC drive-through order (From placing the order to receiving the order)

2. For each step in the process write down the Computer Concepts (input, output, hardware, software, storage) being used.

Part B - Risks

For the business process you designed last week (KFC example), list 2 Computer risks (what could go wrong in and around the computer) per each of the following IT categories.


Risk 1

Control 1

Risk 2

Control 2









Your answers will be submitted on Ikamva.

Upload your business process that you designed as well as the above completed table.

Each risk may only be 1 sentence long. (Therefore the entire assignment cannot be more than 10 sentences). If you can’t write it in one sentence, it probably isn’t correct

Page limit: 1 pg (only the first page of the assignment will be marked)

Please write your name, surname and student number in the page footer/header.

Part C – Application Controls


Risk 1

Control 1

Risk 2

Control 2









Marking Rubric

Assignment Parts

Mark Allocation

Part A - Business process

3 marks

Part B - Risks

1 mark per risk (max of 2 per IT risk category)

Part C - Controls

1 mark per control relating to each risks (max of 2 per IT risk category)

Presentation & General instructions followed

1 mark

1. Your answers must be RELEVANT and SPECIFIC to the KFC drive-through scenario.

2. Please make sure your answer is in the correct format (Hint: Look at the tip on how to write a risk)

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