
NAG questionnaire Solution

NOTE: Some of the data manipulation you will do in this assignment will be needed for the next week’s assignment.

The following task requires you to use “asthmatx.dta” and have the NAG questionnaire at hand.

1. The NAG questionnaire includes a question on “have you ever had asthma?” (variable names is “asthma”) and a follow-up question on whether or not the asthma had been confirmed by a doctor (“asthma_b”). Work with these two variables to:

  1. Code to extended missing (.a) all missing values (coded as 9) in both variables.
  2. Ans. Command mvdecode asthma asthma_b , mv(9=.a)  #replaces 9 with .a extension in both the variables.

  3. If applicable, code to extended missing values (.b) all non-applicable values (coded as 8).
  4. Ans. Command mvdecode asthma asthma_b , mv(8=.b) )  #replaces 8 with .b extension in both the variables.

  5. Create a new combined variables indicating:
    1. Yes asthma and confirmed by a doctor (code 1)
    2. Yes asthma but not confirmed by a doctor (code 2)
    3. Yes asthma but none of the two above options (code 3)
    4. No asthma (code 4)
    5. No response (code 5)

    Ans. Command: generate asthmadiagnosis=0

    recode asthmadiagnosis (0=1) if asthma==1 & asthma_b==1

    recode asthmadiagnosis (0=2) if asthma==1 & asthma_b==2

    recode asthmadiagnosis (0=3) if asthma==1 & asthma_b==3

    recode asthmadiagnosis (0=4) if asthma==2

    recode asthmadiagnosis (0=5) if asthma==3

    Comment:-  This command creates a new categorical variable from the above two defined variable asthma and asthma_b. Also it takes into consideration that no response gets missed even if a person responds to second question as there is not even a single entry in the data suggesting such an extreme case.

    It also seems logical because a person who does not have asthma or any such symptoms will not go to visit doctor for confirmation of asthma. Thus only those who have asthma will respond for second question (“Is the asthma confirmed by doctor”)   which is incorporated in the coding.

  6. Label the variables as “Asthma diagnosis”.
  7. Ans. Command:

    • label variable asthmadiagnosis "Asthma diagnosis" # Label the variable as "Asthma diagnosis"
  8. Label each of the values of your variable
  9. Ans Command:-

    • label define Asthma_diagnosis 0 "Did not Respond" 1 "Yes asthma and confirmed by a doctor" 2 "Yes asthma but not confirmed by a doctor" 3 "Yes asthma but  none of the two above options" 4 "No asthma" 5 "No response"
    • # define the values for the label

    • label values asthmadiagnosis Asthma_diagnosis # Assigns these label values to the variable asthmadiagnosis
  10. Show a frequency table of the new variable
  11. Ans. Command:-  tabulate asthmadiagnosis         # Creates a frequency table for Asthmadiagnosis

2. The NAG questionnaire includes a couple of questions on days missed at work due to asthma. Work with these variables to:

  1. Identify these two variables in the dataset
  2. Ans  astmmiss- Miss any workdays because of asthma in past 12 months.

    astm_d_a- If yes, how many days?

  3. Generate a numerical variable indicating the number of days missing, coding as zero (“0”) those reporting not missing any days.
  4. Ans.  Command:-

    gen float  asth_missday= astm_d_a       #Generate a new numeric ( using “float”) variable with name asth_missday equals to all values of astm_d_a

    replace asth_missday=0 if asth_missday==888      #Replace missing values  with 0 in place of  888

    TIP: there is a typo in the first of the two items with a code that does not match the questionnaire.  You should code this value missing.

  5. The first question on days missed due to asthma is a filter question, so the first item on missing days has a code for non-applicable. Code these NA in the first variable as extended missing (.b) and label them.
  6. Ans.  Command:-

    mvdecode astmmiss , mv(8=.b)

    label define astmis  .b "Missing value"

    label values asthma_b astmis

  7. Code missings (coded 9 in the first variable and 999 in the second) as the extended missings (.a), and label them.
  8. Note : Data not found

  9. Show a frequency table of the new variable.
  10. Ans.  Command:-  tabulate asth_missday         # Creates a frequency table for number of missdays of work due to asthma.
