
Pearson's Correlation Coefficient and expression matrix

1. Microarray analysis

For the following expression data in log2 transformation:

  • Calculate Pearson Correlation Coefficient between each pair of genes;
  • Calculate the distance matrix as 1 correlation;
  • Build a tree based on hierarchical clustering algorithm with average linkage.

2. High-throughput sequencing

Read the attached paper and answer the following questions:

  • Explain WGS, Whole-exome and targeted sequencing, RNA-seq, and ChIP-seq;
  • Describe three template amplification strategies in few sentences.
  • What is single-end sequencing and what is paired-end sequencing?
  • What is real-time sequencing?
  • _______________________________________________________________________________________

    2. Build a Pearson correlation matrix for my RNA-seq dataset. My data file consists of normalized, log-transformed expression values of 60k tarnscripts across 50 samples. I want to find the gene-gene Pearson correlation from this matrix using R package or an other tool.
