Dental And Oral Health

Dental And Oral Health

Introduction: Dental and oral health is an crucial part of our health and poor dental hygiene leads to different type of oral disease like cavities, gum disease and it has an association with heart disease, diabetes, oral cancer.

Symptoms: The following are the symptoms if seen then have to go to the dentist:

  • Ulcers, sores in the mouth lasts for 2 weeks.
  • Swollen and bleeding gums after flossing or brushing.
  • Bad breath
  • Sensitivity
  • Pain in tooth or toothache
  • Loosening teeth
  • Receding gum line
  • Cracked or broken teeth
  • Dry mouth repeatedly

Cause and Types:

  • The high sugar intake leads to the nurishment of acid producing bacteria which are the main reason of dissolving the tooth enamel causing tooth decay and{" "} cavity formation.
  • Plaque is a sticky matrix produce by the bacteria near the gum line area which accumulated, harden goes down the length of the teeth causing the condition of gingivitis.
  • Cracked or broken{" "} tooth is the result of injury to the mouth, chewing hard foods which leads to be very painful.
  • In tooth sensitivity patient may feel pain or discomfort having cold or hot food. The upper part of our tooth is called dentin, when it decay the sensitivity results which is called as dentin hypersensitivity. The disease can also results because of gum disease, Cracked teeth, receding gum line.
  • Oral cancer involves the cancer of gum, lips, tongue, cheeks, hard and soft palate. The oral cancer is the result of chewing tobacco, smoking.

Treatment: The treatment involves:

  • Cleaning: The process is used to get rid of plaque or tartar from the teeth by cleansing which can’t be done by brushing or flushing. The deep cleansing is also known as scaling which remove plaque under the gum line area.
  • Antibiotics: The antibiotics are given to get rid of infections in the form of pills, mouth cleanser, gel or oral tablets. Antibiotics gel is applied to the teeth or gum in the surgical procedure.
  • Crowns, fillings: The crowning is a procedure when a large portion of teeth is need to be extracted and an implant of tooth or crown is implanted in the same area. Fillings is a process to fill the cavities, hole or a crack in the tooth. The dentist first extract the decay portion by a drill and fill it by amalgam or composite.
  • Root canal: The process is used when the damage of tooth is till the nerve. Here the affected nerve is removed and filled with biocompatible material.
  • Tooth extraction: When the dentist feels the tooth can’t be saved by root canal or fillings or surgery then the tooth is need to be extracted. The extraction process is also needed when the third molar teeth is impacted.